Final Build - IDM241

Allison Drake


  • On share button hover
  • On share button click
  • On social link hover
  • On social link hover off
  • On exit button hover
  • On exit button click


  • Sounds preload

On share button hover:

  • Cursor turns into a pointer
  • Drop shadow forms around share button

On share button click:

  • Share button expands out and down into modal
  • Share button color change to grey
  • "Share" slides to the top left and decreases in size
  • Exit icon fades in on the top right and three social links fade in on the left side as button expands out
  • Sound effect plays

On social link (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) hover:

  • Underline slides in from left to the right under link
  • Text italicizes
  • Sound effect plays

On social link (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) hover off:

  • Underline slides out from right to left
  • Text fades back to normal
  • Separate browser window opens to the social website that was selected

On social link (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) click:

  • Redirects and opens a separate browser window with the selected social website

On exit button hover:

  • Cursor changes into a pointer
  • Exit icon turns red

On exit button click:

  • Exit button and three social links fade out
  • Modal contracts back into share button
  • "Share" slides back to original position, increases in size, and changes back to original color
  • Sound effect plays


  • Same as rules except the sound preload

Loops and Modes

  • Modal with the three social links appear when the share button is clicked